We've Got (An Even) Bigger Problem Now

Bush said, "I hope the American people understand — there is still an enemy that would like to strike the United States of America, and they're very dangerous."
My question for Mr. Bush is who is the enemy when you need to be protected from your own government?
Bush states that ignoring legal procedures and spying on citizens without a court order makes the process much more expedient. This is the same logic that justifies the use of torture and secret prisons. But it doesn’t make it right, correct or moral.
September 11, 2001 cannot be used to justify every illegal action of this administration.
How can you protect our freedoms by violating them, Mr. Bush?
Maybe the reason that there hasn’t been an attack upon U.S. soil since 9/11 isn’t due to government diligence. Maybe the terrorists are simply sitting back and watching George Bush destroy America from the inside.
If I have to walk down the street looking over my shoulder, I’d rather be looking for terrorists than government agents.
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